Ignite your Purpose.

Achieve the Impossible.

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Igniting Passion & Purpose in Young People

J.C. Billups is a powerful, high-energy motivational speaker, edutainer, and Millennial & Gen Z management expert who has dedicated his life to his two passions:

  • speaking to young people to ignite their potential as leaders
  • coaching executives on how to turn young employees into a force for business growth

After a health crisis – two lungs collapsed in his sleep – and an intense series of surgeries and therapy to help J.C. learn to walk again – he knew he needed to do more than return to his successful career in I.T. He had to live his purpose. He had to serve. So he kicked into high gear with speaking engagements to youth of all ages and leveraged his two decades of management experience to deliver expertise on Millennials & Gen Z to businesses and executives.

Since 2011, J.C. has been a featured motivational speaker and edutainer at colleges, middle and high schools, youth leadership events, summits, and business events across the United States.

With his Signature Success Mindsets and Principles, combined with humor, wit and storytelling, J.C. helps young people envision their goals and dreams and make them into the reality they were meant to live.

Topics for youth speaking include:

  • Leadership
  • Personal development
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Signature success mindsets and principles
  • Career direction

Rewrite your Story

Education Speech Keynotes

(Middle School, High School, and College)

The Authentic You, The Authentic Now

The focus of this talk is showing students how to be authentic and successful with three simple words: you are enough. Being your authentic self can empower you to chase down dreams that align with your preferences and interests. Learning how to listen to your authentic self and how to incorporate your authentic self into your daily actions and lifestyle can offer many positive benefits, which we will explore together.  

This Talk Will Help Students Understand These Key Concepts: 

  • In order to understand where you are going, you must first understand who you are below the surface—and right now in the moment. 
  • Your true authentic self can captivate the world with your personal truth and a clear sense of value.  
  • Before you can understand the value of your authentic self, you must learn how much of a positive impact it can have on your life. 
  • As you learn more about your authentic self, you will become more aligned with your identity. 
  • Using what you know about your authentic self, you can restructure your identity and find your success. 

After the Presentation, Students Will: 

  • Feel encouraged to uncover their own authentic self. 
  • Have the tools to discover their authentic self and the positive journey it can bring. 
  • Understand how our sense of self influences everything that we do and can help us to make choices that align with our goals and dreams.

Elevate Your Purpose

The aim of this talk is to show students how to be the next version of themselves. It focuses on transitional periods and empowers students to see a new version of themselves and learn how to get there. There is the version of you that exists today and the version of yourself that you want to be. Becoming your most successful self takes introspection and deliberate action. We will explore who you are and who you need to be in order to reach your goals. 

This Talk Will Help Students Understand These Key Concepts: 

  • Becoming successful in your authentic self can help you to shed the old you that did not align with your goals or dreams. When you shed the old you, it becomes easier to reach the new you. 
  • The old you will hold you back, and you must understand this to move forward and embrace change.  
  • You can reinvent yourself and meet a new you—a version of yourself that is driven, dedicated, and ready to reach your goals.  

After the Presentation, Students Will : 

  • Understand the differences between the existing versions of themselves and the versions that can achieve their dreams. 
  • Feel empowered to step away from old habits and embrace change. 
  • Understand how to transition to an evolved version of themselves to find success.

Be The Leader, Be The Change

The information in this talk will help students become leaders of their own destinies and make choices that guide them to success. The path to reaching your goals requires strong leadership and personal reflection. We will discuss how to become your own leader and how to empower yourself to reach your goals. Together, we will unearth your potential and create a plan to achieve your dreams through action. 

This Talk Will Help Students Understand These Key Concepts: 

  • In order to find yourself and be successful in life, you must find the leader within.
  • Calling upon the leader within yourself can help you to guide yourself as you move toward goals, dreams, and aspirations.
  • Despite what you have seen or been taught, you can own your own story instead of living someone else’s.
  • Finding the leader within empowers you to set goals and achieve them.
  • A leader puts in the work and looks to the future, even when it is not convenient or easy.

After the Presentation, Students Will: 

  • Have an understanding of the leadership traits within them and how they can be leveraged on a personal level to achieve greatness.
  • Learn to look within to their inner leader to find a clear path forward.
  • Know how to use personal leadership to achieve their goals and chase down their dreams.
  • Understand that everyone has their own story that is right for them and learn to bravely step away from following someone else’s path.
  • Feel empowered to set goals, make plans, and strive for success using hard work, determination, and personal reflection.
  • Chase their dreams and feel confident in their ability to do so.

Your Career Advancement Move: The Know How to Career Domination

J.C. believes that when you’re young, the only thing stopping y Never settle for what you have. J.C. challenges young adults to push the boundaries of their success and constantly envision and achieve more in their career. With this presentation, J.C. offers his insights on how to identify room for growth, the lateral moves and other pitfalls to avoid, and how each audience member can visualize and achieve their own unique version of success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to know when to advance your career and change positions.
  • Identify your passions and discover the steps to reach them in your career
  • Maximize your ability to communicate with your employer and peers
  • Discover the skills you need to bring your career to the next level

“You are more than how you see yourself. Your potential hasn’t even been touched, let alone reached. You have to get to that potential.”

- J.C. Billups

Custom Speeches

J.C. believes that each audience is unique. Because of this, he has a one of a kind message to deliver to each audience. Though the range of topics J.C. covers is set based on his expertise, all of J.C.’s speeches are custom. From the time of booking, he will work with you to understand the true needs of your audience, and then research, write and rewrite a message crafted to your specific needs. Because of the custom nature of the messaging, J.C. is known to spend up to 100 hours on a speech, getting the message just right for you.

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