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Hire. Train. Motivate. Lead. Grow Explosively

21st century Business faces a challenge never before seen in history. A new generation of workers, Millennials, are 93 million strong - the biggest generation we’ve ever had. Their technological literacy is far greater than that of their predecessors and they carry an explosion of knowledge at their fingertips.

Millennials make up more and more of the workforce everyday, and Gen Z is rising quickly on their heels. Businesses anticipating a workforce desire to stay with a company for life struggle to keep up with the pace of turnover, and the problems arising from intergenerational teams.

Management knows that by contributing to employees’ unique needs, they boosts sales, increase employee satisfaction, and retain employees for longer.

These young generations are the future of business; making an investment in them now is making an investment into the growth and future of your company.

With J.C.’s presentations for business leaders, you will learn strategic leadership skills and motivational tactics to lead, coach, and mentor your team of young professionals effectively and efficiently.

JC 's Signature Talks

Invest for Success: How To Lead & Manage Millennial & Gen Z Employees

J.C. is an expert on the key demographics changing business culture around the world: Millenials and Gen Z. After mentoring countless Millennials in his two decades of management experience, J.C. has developed systems and principles for managers of younger employees on how to productively communicate and what to change about their management practices to mentor and retain them.

He provides custom packages based on your business needs, be it suggestions on the day-to-day work life balance or how to effectively onboard, promote, and motivate Millennial employees. J.C. will delivers actionable advice that will transform your interactions with your young employees to improve culture and boost sales in your company.

Key Takeaways:

Managers discover how to lead Millennial & Gen Z team members and coach them to become the powerful business leaders of tomorrow..
Learn the unique motivational needs of Millennial & Gen Z staff members that will drive your overall business productivity.
Understand how promoting and rewarding Millennial & Gen Z employees will increase retention and job satisfaction.
Discover the skills you need to bring your career to the next level

HR Changes for Millennial & Gen Z Employees that Improve Business Growth

You know that offering professional and personal development in your office can have an exponential effect on business growth, but do you know how to identify the specific growth needs of Millennial & Gen Z employees in order to cultivate your young team members? Do you know how they differ from previous generations? Do you know what needs to change in H.R. in order to recruit, onboard, and retain Millennial & Gen Z team members?

J.C. leverages two decades of management experience of Millennial & Gen Z employees to coach business leaders on connecting with millennials for a mutually beneficial relationship, leading to long term company gains and high employee retention rates.

Key Takeaways:

How to use the unique professional and personal development needs of Millennial & Gen Z employees to boost your overall business success.
Master how to effectively recruit and interview Millennial & Gen Z candidates to ensure you are hiring the right person for the job.
Learn what Millennial & Gen Z team members want out of a workplace and how to create an environment where everyone thrives.

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